
  • Oral-Systemic Health
    Oral-systemic health is the idea that oral health is a critical and interconnected component to a patient’s overall health and well-being. Studies show that people who have poor oral health Read more
  • Make your child’s next visit to our office great!
    If you have been bringing your baby in for regular checkups since that first tooth arrived, you might expect that he or she is already familiar with the doctor and Read more
  • Chewing Gum: Fact and Fiction
    Remember all the things your parents would tell you when you were growing up to scare you away from doing something? Like how lying might make your nose grow, misbehaving Read more
  • Make this the Year You Stop Smoking
    It’s a new year, and it couldn’t come fast enough for many of us! Let’s do our part to make this a better year in every way—and you can start Read more
  • It's a Wrap: Ending the year with a smile!
    People have been ushering in the New Year for centuries but it became an official holiday in 1582 when Pope George XIII declared January 1st to be the day on Read more
  • How Tooth-Colored Fillings Improve Your Smile
    Today’s crowns, veneers, and tooth colored fillings are very natural looking compared to early counterparts. There was a time when dentists placed silver fillings exclusively. This material is still used, Read more
  • Oral Health Concerns for Teens
    You have a lot more freedom as a teenager than you did as a young child. You also have a lot more responsibilities, and one of your jobs is to Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • What to Do When Your Child Has a Loose Tooth
    When your child loses a tooth for the first time, you both have a lot to look forward to. Sharing in the “I’m a big kid!” excitement. Tales of the Read more
  • Thanksgiving
    At Lea Grand, we love to celebrate the holidays with vigor! the doctor would love to share some unique ways of celebrating Thanksgiving from beyond the Rumson, New Jersey area Read more
  • My teeth feel great. Do I still need to see the dentist?
    Absolutely. Checking in with the doctor on a regular basis—usually every six months—is essential to keeping your smile looking its best. At Lea Grand, we are proud to offer a Read more
  • A Word to the Wise about Wisdom Teeth
    There are some pretty exciting rewards to look forward to as you transition from your mid-teens to your 20s. Driving! Voting! Graduation! But there is one rite of passage that Read more
  • Cold Comfort
    The sounds of the season are filling the air—falling leaves rustling along the sidewalk, football cheers, holiday greetings—and the coughs and sneezes of your fellow sufferers. Yes, it’s cold and Read more
  • Halloween: Candy, costumes, and more!
    All Hallows' Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, is a yearly event celebrated on October 31, and one that is anticipated by the young and young at heart all over Read more
  • Dental X-rays and Your Child
    We’re parents, so we worry. It comes with the job description! That’s why we make sure our children use toothbrushes with soft bristles and apply just the right amount of Read more
  • How much calcium does my child need?
    When you were a kid, your parents may have told you to drink milk to build strong bones and grow tall and strong. Now that you have children of your Read more

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9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


Dr. Grand attends continuing education courses


9:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

On Alternating Saturdays


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